Financial literacy for musicians.

Tag: Podcast Page 14 of 17

Ep. 16: Drummer & educator navigates his finances, family & future

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Stockton Helbing is not very good at sitting still. If he is not playing the drums he is busy being a composer, arranger, producer, bandleader, educator, music director, author, and entrepreneur.

Ep. 15: Money Mindset 101

Listen to Episode 15: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

Today we’re going to discuss how musicians can adjust their mindset in regards to money and more. The goal of this blog series is to rid the stigmas limiting musicians from reaching their full potential musically, financially, and mentally.

Ep. 14: Opera singer becomes a Certified Financial Planner

Listen to Episode 14: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

Freelance Financial Planning founder Ben Henry-Moreland trained as an opera singer and performed professionally around the Midwest, New England, and Europe. He has worked in the financial services industry since 2012, serving with two Boston-based investment advisory firms before launching Freelance Financial Planning in 2017.

Ep. 13: Five ways to kickstart your music career

Listen to Episode 13: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

So you made it through music school and you’re ready to start your career. Ambition and hope is at an all time high and then you remember in 6 months your student loan payments begin. Panic, frustration and fear set in… Wait. Let’s not go down that rabbit hole because it doesn’t do anyone any good and a positive mindset will carry you through the hard times.

This post will cover 5 ways to kickstart your music career. But first, you have to make a very important decision.

Ep. 12: Married musicians build music academy business from scratch

Listen to Episode 12: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

Jiyoung Johnston, director and co-founder of Lone Star Music Academy, exhibits equally strong performance and education abilities in classical and jazz music.

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