Financial literacy for musicians.

Category: Taxes Page 2 of 5

Ep. 64: Music producer creates alternative funding model for independent music

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Max Allyn is a producer, engineer, mixer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He’s spent the last 19 years professionally producing artists and has worked with the likes of Joaquin Phoenix, Jason Wade, Toby Scott, Lifehouse, Steve Perry, and many more. His works have been featured in primetime television and high-visibility ads. Brands and networks include Masterclass, CW, FreeForm, ABC, Disney, Aetna, Dove, Suave, American Advisors Groups, and more.

The music industry guide to layoffs and how to prepare for one

When one curtain closes another curtain opens.

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

If you recently lost your music industry job, I’m sorry for your loss. Things will get better.

If you’re here to prepare for a potential layoff, I hope you never experience one.

Ep. 60: Former professional musician kills the “broke musician” stereotype

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

Jesse Josefsson from the Thriving Musician Podcast episode 55 interviewed Spenser on his popular Sync My Music YouTube channel!

We talked about:

  • What it means to be “financially literate”
  • Financial mistakes I see musicians make
  • Common sense rules to prepare for artistic freedom

Leave your questions in the comments of the video and we will record another interview to answer them.

Thanks for watching and keep thriving!

Ep. 59: Theatrical performer prepares taxes for creatives

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

Carly Crawford is a tax preparer (Enrolled Agent, to be exact), lifelong theatre person, and online business manager with a penchant for cheesy carbs, cross stitching, and books of all kinds. Carly lives in Memphis, where she loves the heat and humidity and basically lives on her screen porch.

Ep. 58: Guitarist and DREAMer supports parents on a musicians salary

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

Sebastian Tenorio-Vallejo was born in Cali, Colombia but has lived in the greater Tampa Bay region most of his life. He started his career as a professional musician in 2015 and makes a living playing guitar and singing full time.

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