Financial literacy for musicians.

Category: Retirement

Ep. 14: Opera singer becomes a Certified Financial Planner

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Freelance Financial Planning founder Ben Henry-Moreland trained as an opera singer and performed professionally around the Midwest, New England, and Europe. He has worked in the financial services industry since 2012, serving with two Boston-based investment advisory firms before launching Freelance Financial Planning in 2017.

Ensuring a secure retirement: A guide for musicians

I dedicated my life to my music…and I never got it to where I wanted it to be.

Sonny Rollins

The idea of a retired musician might sound quite absurd, because who has actually witnessed one? Sonny Rollins is an example of forced retirement because of health issues, but there are plenty of musicians who physically lose the ability to play as they age. I, for one, don’t want to retire from music, but life happens and planning for the future is important.

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