Financial literacy for musicians.

Category: Retirement Page 2 of 5

Ep. 66: Voice teacher leaves university career to start her own business

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Susan Hanlon Ferrer has built a career around setting singers up for the spotlight and helping them gain freedom and consistency in their singing. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Master’s of Arts in Music with an emphasis in voice (both from UNT). Susan has been honored to give guest presentations for classes at LSU, TWU, UMKC, A&M Commerce, The Speakeasy Cooperative & The North Texas Chapter of PAVA (Pan American Vocology Association). As a teacher, Susan has loved running her busy private studio for the past 17 years, enjoyed her years as Professor of Commercial Voice at Collin College and cherishes her early years of teaching in several school districts as a private voice teacher. As an artist, Susan has released two jazz albums. The most recent album, Louder Every Minute, was co-produced by Susan and features some of her original songs.

Part cheerleader, part Sherlock Holmes, Susan loves helping singers accomplish their goals and solve their vocal mysteries. She believes that every singer deserves to be appreciated for who they are and what they bring to the art form, and strives to create a space of belonging for all voices. When not teaching, you can find Susan binging podcasts, watching documentaries, walking her puppy Bruce, and slowly learning guitar.

The music industry guide to layoffs and how to prepare for one

When one curtain closes another curtain opens.

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If you recently lost your music industry job, I’m sorry for your loss. Things will get better.

If you’re here to prepare for a potential layoff, I hope you never experience one.

Ep. 60: Former professional musician kills the “broke musician” stereotype

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

Jesse Josefsson from the Thriving Musician Podcast episode 55 interviewed Spenser on his popular Sync My Music YouTube channel!

We talked about:

  • What it means to be “financially literate”
  • Financial mistakes I see musicians make
  • Common sense rules to prepare for artistic freedom

Leave your questions in the comments of the video and we will record another interview to answer them.

Thanks for watching and keep thriving!

Ep. 53: Financial planner helps creatives realize their artistic dreams

Listen on: Apple – Spotify – Soundcloud

Lindy Venustus is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ helping creatives with financial planning. She founded Create Financial Planning in 2020. She is a fiduciary fee-only trusted advisor that you can come to for honest advice, and not worry about commission sales.

Artistic freedom: The best retirement accounts for musicians

I never had the sense that there was an end: that there was a retirement or that there was a jackpot.

Leonard Cohen

Listen on: iTunes – Spotify – Soundcloud

Retirement is a strange word for musicians.

Financial freedom – working because you want to, not because you have to – doesn’t work either. Most musicians want to “work” as long as possible.

So what future state are musicians saving towards?

Artistic freedom

Complete control of your creative endeavors.

Imagine making art free of financial, contractual, or commercial obligations.

Does that sound like a way of life worth saving for?

These are the accounts (in no particular order) best suited to achieve artistic freedom as a self-employed musician.

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