Financial literacy for musicians.

Category: Investing

Ep. 6: Professional saxophonist becomes computer scientist

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Jason St. George is a musician, educator, computer scientist, and machine learning engineer, currently completing his Master’s degree at Rochester Institute of Technology. After a rural, quintessentially American upbringing in Upstate New York, Jason completed his Bachelor of Music Performance and Music Theory from University of North Texas in 2013, going on to a career as a musician and educator in the Dallas, Fort Worth area, where he worked and taught as a freelance professional for over 5 years, making a maximum of $21k per year.

From gig to fortune: Investing tips for musicians

Like any musician starts practicing early in childhood, start investing early in equities.

Investing is the act of devoting money or capital in order to gain returns as interest, income, or appreciation. Note capital can take the form of time and energy as well. The strategy of investment allows your money to work for you.

That one time I bought real estate as a freelance musician

The only way to fail is to quit.

I bought a condo in North Dallas on June 30th, 2017. The journey started 2 years earlier, in the summer of 2015, while I was traveling and performing music. Though it was a memorable summer, it also drained my bank account. I was raised with the value of saving, but this time was a rare exception. Nevertheless, things can only get better from here.

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