Financial literacy for musicians.

Category: Estate Planning

Ep. 40: Nashville financial planner helps musicians thrive

Listen to Episode 40: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

Financial advisor and radio host David Adams is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional and CPA in Nashville, Tennessee. As President of David Adams Wealth Group, LLC, an Independent practice offering securities through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., David is dedicated to helping his clients live well and retire, too. For more than 15 years, David has been committed to the financial well- being of his clients, and now more than ever, David is dedicated to changing an industry he feels is broken. His passion for the business centers around helping people restore vital balance and financial strength through life’s many transitions- selling a business, loss of a loved one, marriage, divorce, retirement, etc.

Ep. 35: NY actress derails the starving artist stigma

Listen to Episode 35: iTunesSpotifyStitcherSoundcloud

Melissa Robinette was born into the circus and spent her early days traveling on the road. Immeidately after high school she left her small town in Northern San Diego with her first union card and sailed around the world performing on cruise ships. In 2002 MelRob came to New York city, booked her first audition and never looked back!

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